Tekst alternatywny Tekst alternatywny

Our Mission

Our mission is mainly based on the realization of precisely defined assumptions and deliberate pursuit of unlimited development. We would like to continuously broaden the horizons of Pylon Audio in many areas of its business. In the future we see ourselves as a thriving and respected company that gives the direction to the broad audio industry. We want to be a recognizable brand, associated with the best quality and products of the highest quality. We believe that it is possible to achieve such a standard of speaker sets that it would shape any new inventions in this field.

Promoting Polish brands and home quality is also not without significance for us. We want to convince a very demanding, foreign market that we can take a leading place among the largest global corporations related to the audio industry.

One of our present aims is to focus on one key attribute, which characterizes our company, so that from this perspective it can draw the attention of many interested parties. It will allow us to continue building quality, step by step, in each of the other areas.

As for today a special feature that distinguishes our products is the state of the art construction of speaker sets and a well-thought-out design. Consequently, following the implementation of all the objectives of our mission, we would like to thank you for your warm welcome, positive reception and recognition of our products.